Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Transport And Currency Of Anuradhapura

Transportation Modes: People used much common transportation modes to move from one place to another.Their needs were not much complicated  like today.So they used Carts, Bullock carts ,Pack animals and royal families used palanquins ,horses ,elephants and ordinary people used their foots to walk miles and miles.

Currency : Currency was often used for settling judicial fines, taxes and payments for goods or services. However remuneration for services to the king. Officials and temples were often made in the form of land revenue. The oldest coins found at A/pura date up to 200 BC.These earliest coins were punch marked rectangular pieces of silver known as Kahavanu.

These eventually became circular in shape which were  in turned followed by die struck coins.Uncoined metals , particularly gold and silver were used for trade as well.Patterns of horses, elephants ,Swastika and Darmachakra were commonly imprinted on the coins of this period………..

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