Sunday, December 7, 2014

Occupations in early Anuradhapura

Occupations in early Anuradhapura.

The most prominent & ever most occupation of early Rajarata dwellers is nothing but Agriculture. The soil, nature, climate, resources, human strength and all were designed for the main occupation ,agriculture.(paddy & chena cultivations)

But the records reveal that from very early history people engaged themselves in industries involved in gems ,pearls, bronze ,carpentry ,textiles ,weaving and handloom, sculpture ,murals & terracotta.

Products thus turned out had to be sold through traders and next link of the economic development chain was the establishment of trade.

There is ample historical evidence to suggest that from very early period in the history foreign traders were visiting Srilanka and people had crossed the sea to trade goods.

Some of the trade materials are………………
#  Pearls
#  gems
# Ivory &Ivory products
# Spices
#Cotton textiles
# Elephants
# Turtle
# Conch shells

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